Learn the I Matter Framework
Foundations for a Relationship Health Approach
To Improving Adult and Child Wellbeing

This site is for a project in the Kendal and Morecambe Bay, North West Area that is exploring the way that we progress relationship health as a joined up approach to improving wellbeing for adults and young people. I Matter programmes via this site are all currently funded by partner organisations, Courses for non-professionals with specific concerns and seeking additional coaching are at www.imatterlearning.com For I Matter programmes that are self-funded for professionals or non-professionals go to www.imattertraining.com


Have you ever thought there was something missing when it comes to improving child and adult mental health and wellbeing?

The I Matter Framework is a practical integration of the research evidence on what helps adults and children to thrive. It forms the foundations of a Relationship Health Approach to improving wellbeing.

We work with organisation partners including schools, health and community organisations, currently in the Kendal, Morecambe Bay, North West area.

If your organisation has agreed to fund training for you, you will be sent your log in details.

“The Kendal Integrated Care Community has adopted the I Matter Framework as a foundation for our thinking about how to work together in our community to help those who are struggling. Professionals and non-professionals are learning together. It feels good.”

Dr Amy Lee, GP Safeguarding Lead

Hi, I’m Dr Cathy Betoin.

I am a Clinical Psychologist. I am also an I Matter Relationship Health Trainer and Coach.​ I have over 25 years of experience working with children and adults first in the classroom and later in child and adult clinical psychology services.

I was also a confused person, parent and practitioner. Eventually I realised there was something really important missing that needed a name: that thing was relationship health.

I created the I Matter Relationship Health Training and Coaching programme because my practice was filling up with smart, capable individuals, families and professionals who wanted to make a difference at home and at work but were not confident on the foundations needed to support their decision making in difficult times.

Get Started with an I Matter Approach

About the I Matter Introduction Course

The course provides some background

to the I Matter Course

and to a Relationship Health Approach

The course includes:

Online short course

Information about next steps

Places are offered on this site only

via partner organisations who are funding training

currently only in Kendal via schools and organisations

Course content is for your

own use only.

To find your course:

Following log in

please go to

Log In (Top Right)

Please contact us

About the I Matter Fundamentals Course

The course introduces

the I Matter Framework Fundamentals

The course includes:

Preparation Step
Symptoms of Stress and of Wellbeing
Essential I Matter Ideas
Attachment, Alarm and the Brain
The Power of Our Beliefs and Attitudes

Places are offered on this site only

via partner organisations who are funding training

currently only in Kendal via schools and organisations

Course content is for your

own use only.

To find your course:

Following log in

please go to

Log In (Top Right)

More Information

This site is for education programmes funded
for participants via their own

At present these are only
in the Kendal area.

More information about

I Matter Training and Relationship Health

can be found for those not in Kendal at
